Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Today was a good day. I feel like I accomplished much, and I'm not exhausted. Did lots of laundry, organized myself, sent off a form that required lots of copies to be made, ran some errands, puttered around the house...

Baby Girl took some good naps, and I feel like she got some quality rest. Poor little thing has been drug all over the place the past couple of weeks! I never realized how important consistent consistency is for a baby until having my own child. We're currently working on a nap/bedtime routine... We go in the bedroom, where I rock her in my arms and sing a couple songs, and then lay her in bed. She's usually drowsy-eyed and sicking on her thumb. Halfway through the songs, she takes her thumb out of her mouth, looks up at me, and gives me a sleepy little grin. It's so adorable...

After an epic fail yesterday in my caloric intake, I did very well today. Well enough to reward myself with an ice cream bar after dinner. I <3 ice cream in the summer! Now to stay consistent with that, and add in exercise. Currently stalking craigslist for a jogging stroller. The baby weight is gone, but I desperately need to get back in shape. Maybe by the end of the summer?

Deal finding this week is off to a good start. So far we've hit CVS and Target. Tomorrow is Harps double coupon event... I SO can't wait! Sometimes I wonder how lame is it that finding deals is so exciting and fun for me. But on the other hand, how can a person NOT be happy about getting more for less?

And a bit of news that's making me smile... Husby is coming home tomorrow night rather than Friday. He'll leave again Thursday, but seeing him in the middle of the week makes everything a little brighter. *sigh* I'm so hopelessly in love.

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