Monday, June 14, 2010

falling rain

It's a Monday, and the skies are gray with falling rain. Sadly, my mood has morphed to fit the gloominess that looms. I've been trying to re-morph my mood into a content one, where the gentle patter of rain is soothing, but so far no luck. Two cups of coffee this morning, slowly sipped, while catching up with the online world. Baby Girl is teething, I think. Or something... Her naps are anything but predictable lately. Thirty minutes. Maybe an hour. And she has gone from sleeping eight hours straight at night to three - four hour stretches. I know they say that once your get used to something with a baby, everything changes... but I feel like I have very few nerves left. Husby left again this morning for another week away. I do not like to see him go, and I will quickly admit that this is extremely hard on me. But... I keep reminding myself that it's only a few days at a time and that it should be over in August. Maybe then life will return to some semblance of normality. It has helped incredibly much to hae CC here. I don't know what I will do when she leaves next week. Somehow I need to get my emotional tank full again...

Yesterday's sermon challenged me a bit... to have an unstoppable faith. I know I keep asking "Why, God? Why is life so freakin' hard right now? When will it be over? How much longer do I have to prove myself?" Deep down in my heart, I know that God's timing is perfect and that He will never cease to be faithful, but as I've voiced before, it's been quite difficult to get my head wrapped around that fact. Yesterday I listened as the pastor spoke about Moses, and how after he was the pride and glory of Egypt, he spent 40 years in the desert. FORTY YEARS. Forty years of silence and feeling forgotten. That certainly makes my issues seem small. And in those forty years, God did not forget, but He was waiting for the perfect time to act, molding Moses in the meantime.


Now the hard part... remembering these things when I'm in the midst of a difficult moment... or day. Remembering that my life is not really bad or hard, when compared to what others face. Remembering that God is watching and waiting and that He IS moving, even though I can't see it. Remembering that He loves me and is there to wrap His arms around me at anytime. Raise your coffee mugs with me - here's to an unstoppable faith!

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